Sermon (14K)
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updated 31st OCtober, 2021Please note that these are unedited copies of my notes so they may include references to PowerPoint slides and other documents which are not available.
The MP3 audio links are to the SRCF website.

Titus - young church in action
1. Address and greeting1:1-4
From Paul1:1-3
To Titus1:4a
2. Substance of letter1:5-3:7
a. Appointing Leadership1:5-9
we need good leaders1:1-9 Sunday, 12th, April, 2015 link to MP3 recording of sermon
b. Warnings against false teaching1:10-16
c. What must be taught2:1-3:7
        What to teach various groups 2:1-10
        A call to godliness 2:11-15Sunday, 31st. October, 2021Waterloo Road
         Christians in Society3:1-2Sunday, 10th May, 2015
        The appearance and work of Jesus 3:3-7
        following Jesus is best3:3-15Sunday, 7th, June, 2015 link to MP3 recording of sermon
3. Closing messages3:8-15
a. Closing encouragements3:8-11
b.personal messages and final greeting 3:12-15
        Personal messages3:12-13
        Final encouragement3:14
        Final greeting3:15

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