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Romans 8

Sunday, 17th July, 2000

Structure of Romans 8

Life in the spirit                1-17

No condemnation for those who are in Christ.        1-5

Set your mind on the Spirit.      6-8

A life controlled by the Spirit.    9-11

A Spirit of Sonship.    12-17


Looking forward to the glory that is to come.             18- 39

Groan 1. Creation groans for the glory to come         18-23

Groan 2. The hope groan 24-25

Groan 3. Christians groan in prayer 26-27

     a complete salvation    28-30

Faith is safe   31-39


The connecting phrases are

if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.


18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.


We need to understand that life in the Spirit is not a cop-out for the toughness of life. In fact, you need look no further than the life of Jesus to understand that being a Christian means added suffering.

Last week we were taught that the life in the Spirit involves Protection, Power, Perspective and Priorities. Remember that you were told to be “Deliciously Different”. But that will inevitably mean you will be hated by those who reject Jesus. They hated your master, they will hate the sons of the Father. But instead of sleeping with the enemy, compromising on truth, imitating the world, believing the adverts we need to look for the glory. Hang on , haven’t I heard that word before?


Romans 3:23-24 There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


The glory of God is all to do with his love, justice, peace and joy. Heaven is described as full of light because it is full of holiness. It is described as having a river of life, trees for the healing of the nations, full of saints who are there because of the sacrifice of the Lamb. People who have passed through the great tribulation. Their joy is to praise and worship Jesus. Anyway where was I?

The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. What has creation got to do with our salvation? Isn’t the universe a vast mechanistic creation and spiritual things something else?



The Mechanistic universe:

          The Universe and two chairs

          The Semaphore message

Creation groaning

I ought to warn you that I wrote this on the way to Newcastle by train. So if you know the East coast line you can tell where we are in the sermon! We have left Kings Cross and Stevenage and heading towards Peterborough.

 A real world view

          We live in God’s world. He created it. His purpose was that he might express himself. The Bible describes this as the righteousness of God. And we have discovered that his purpose was to be the Saviour of his people. To redeem them by his great love. So throughout the Bible we find case after case of God saving people.

·        Noah and family from the flood.

·        Isaac from the sacrifice,

·        Moses and the children of Israel from Egypt

And not just the good guys either.

·        Rahab the prostitute is saved from Jericho

·        Balaam is saved from an angel by his ass.

·        Lot is saved from Sodom

·        And so on….

So here in Romans we see the key unlocked. God is looking for a people who respond to his saving grace by faith.



So…. Salvation is central to creation. The vast cosmos to the smallest genome fits into God’s purpose. SO whatever else you may think about earthquake and other natural disasters, they fit into God’s plan. SO they fit into Paul’s concept. The whole creation is one vast single creation looking forward to the consummation when God’s people are translated into glory. So Paul uses a simile of child birth. Expectant mums know all about earthquakes and disturbances as they await the coming birth. And they greet each kick or movement with a mixture of fear and joy. SO it should be with us. Each evidence of the coming destruction of the earth should be greeted with natural fear but also joy. This world is not my home, it’s a launch pad for a glorious eternal future.


So says Paul we also groan, looking forward to our hope.


Christians groan 1. in hope of adoption as Sons

                             And redemption of our bodies


Paul talks about us groaning in two ways: first in hope; second in prayer.


Tell me, what makes someone groan?


Pain, intensity, desire


SO our hope and our prayer spring, not from our ease and our pleasure, but from our pain and desire.


This is not a worked up  experience. I have no truck with engineered emotional intensity. Paul is not suggesting it here. He is saying that hope and prayer both spring from a deep desire to know God.


          So, feeling spiritually flat? Go and ask for pain!

          Not sure of your faith? Talk to an atheist!

The key to this passage is the Holy Spirit. It interests me when people talk about spirituality. I have listened to people say they felt far from God and God spoke to them! Think about it. I think this passage suggests that when you haven’t the words to express what yiou think, the Holy Spirit is at work!


          Forget the well-expressed prayer that we impress each other with. Be a groan! Come to Powerhouse not to sound good but to stumble through some words and get mixed up and dry up. That’s what God wants!


          And the same at home in the time you spend with God. Its not the form of words that matter. It is the groans that the Holy Spirit works with.

          So sit down, stand up, lie down or whatever and get into what you really care about. Mind you, you may discover the main problem with you is that you are totally selfish and spend the whole time taling about yourself. Never mind. Prayer is not about impressing God, prayer is about conversing with God. So listen to him, open your Bible expecting God to talk to you about your selfishness. Or maybe it is lust that’s your problem. Well talk to God about your fantasies. You will not get much sympathy but you will get love, rebuke, correction and training in righteousness as you read God’s word to you.


James talks about this in James 4:1-3

                1 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. (NIV)



Therefore, when you pray, ask God to search your heart. Let him deal with you.


27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.


This verse is a couplet – the same basic thought repeated.  - he who searches our hearts intercedes for the saints

And  he who knows the mind of the Spirit intercedes in accordance with God's will.


The Holy Spirit intercedes with God about our innermost thoughts. He also knows the will of God – that is His mind.

The world is full of cheap imitations – Transcendental meditation, ritual prayer, and the like. But prayer is a life-long adventure. It takes time to cultivate a relationship. So take time to cultivate your friendship with God.


No, don’t feel bad because you always get interrupted by the children when you sit down for your Quiet Time. That depressed sigh when you get up is interpreted by the Holy Spirit.

Anyway, still find time. Don’t expect words to flow. Let the things that are on your mind surface. Tell God about them. But also have a Bible open – use some Bible-reading scheme but don’t just read the bit and its notes, leave it opoen as you twitter on to God and let today’s reading speak to today’s problems. O.K. quite often I can’t spot the connection either. But remember the Holy Spirit is working through the whole event. He knows your heart and God’s will. If you let him, he will bring you and God together. Your heart and God’s will come to the same thought and plan. It is at this point your prayers are answered!


          Paul moves on to one of those favourite Bible verses.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,

I’m sure Paul didn’t even notice what he said when dictating it. He was moving to the climax of his gospel. And he is excited about it.



But it summarises the previous verses. In all this creation, your understanding of the gospel hope, your inability to pray well God is working for good. Your shambolic prayer life is no accident, its part of his plan. A plan for righteousness, a plan for good and not ill.


So Paul develops this. Your prayer time, your hope life is known about right from the beginning of time itself. And what God knew about he planned or predestined. And he planned for you to be saved. Here Paul describes salvation as being conformed to the image of His Son. All that prayer time, the pain the groans and the hope is part of God’s plan to make you Christ-like. That is what God considers good.

Doncaster Station.

But Paul has warmed to his theme. Its not the struggles that absorb him it is the glory of the gospel. God the creator is at work. He planned for your salvation in detail. He called you; he made you right before himself – justified and you will make it to glory. Is that what it says? No! Gad also glorified. PAST TENSE! Remember that God’s will is to bring about salvation and he will do it! SO first it is as good as happened. You are as good as in heaven now . To quote Toplady from the 18th Century

Yes, I to the end shall endure,

As sure as the earnest is given;

More happy, but not more secure,

The glorified spirits in heaven.

Secondly you are glorified now. You may not feel it but you are the new creation, you are living an eternal life. You have peace with God, no condemnation because you are in Christ; when God looks at you he sees righteousness. Not yours but Jesus’.


Now Paul is getting into gear.

What, then, shall we say in response to this?


He is talking about the whole eight chapters of Romans so far. Notice how he reiterates some of the key points.

1.     God is for us

2.     God makes us righteous – the judge justifies us.

3.     God does not condemn those in Christ.

4.     Jesus prays for us.

Put that altogether you get

An inseperable and unconquerable love.


The circumstances may be tough but hope transports us to see life completely differently. Verses 35 – 39 are an example of the hope groan, mentioned in verses 23-24.


And we still have a long way to go in our Christian lives. Even in Romans we have only reached the halfway point.


But what have we gained?

Our world is not a cosmic disaster, it is created so that God may express himself in granting salvation by faith in His Son, Jesus. That we have a hope which is sure. That our prayer life is not one of words  but that the Holy Spirit works listens to our groans and interprets them and, if we let him, brings them together with God’s will and purpose so we become like Jesus. Learn the verses and repeat them. They are better than any Mantra. The are words of eternal life. Enjoy God today!

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