Outline of Matthew’s Gospel

       I.      l:l – 4:25     The origin ,infancy  and beginning of the ministry of Jesus the Messiah.


                 1. The origin and infancy of Jesus 1:1-2:23

                     a) 1:1-17 The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah (Ruth 4.18—22; 1 Chr 2.1—15; Lk 3.23—38)

                     b) 1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus the Messiah (Lk 2.1—7)

                     c) 2:1-12 The Visit of the Wise Men

                     d) 2:13-15 The Escape to Egypt

                     e) 2:16-18 The Massacre of the Infants

                     f) 2:19- 23 The Return from Egypt (Lk 2.39)

                 2. The beginning of the ministry of Jesus 3:1-4:25

                     a) 3:1 – 12 The Proclamation of John the Baptist (Mk 1.2—8; Lk 3.1—20)

                     b) 3:13-17 The Baptism of Jesus (Mk 1.9—11; Lk 3.21—22; Jn 1.29—34)

                     c) 4:1-11 The Temptation of Jesus (Mk 1.12—13; Lk 4.1—13)

                     d) 4:12-17 Jesus Begins His Ministry in Galilee (Mk 1.14—15; Lk 4.14—15)

                     e) 4:18-22 Jesus Calls the First Disciples (Mk 1.16—20; Lk 5.1—11)

                     f) 4:23-25 Jesus Ministers to Crowds of People (Mk 1.35—39; Lk 4.44; 6.17—19)


    II.      5:l - 7:29       The ethics of the Kingdom of God. (“The Sermon on the Mount”)

              The Disciples CHARACTER

                     a)5:1-12 The Beatitudes (Lk 6.20—26)

        The Disciples WITNESS

                     b) 5:13-16 Salt and Light (Mk 9.50; Lk 14.34—35)

              The Disciples STANDARD

                     c) 5:17-20 The Law and the Prophets – the continuity of the old

                                    The Surpassing of the Old: The Six Antitheses (5:21–48)

                     d) 5:21-26 About Anger (Lk 12.57—59)

                     e) 5:27-30 About Adultery

                     f) 5:31-32 About Divorce (Mt 19.9; Mk 10.11—12; Lk 16.18)

                     g) 5:33-37 About Oaths

                     h) 5:38-42 About Retaliation (Lk 6.29—31)

                     i) 5:43-48 Love for Enemies(Lk 6.27—28, 32—36)

              The Disciples CONDUCT 

                     j) 6:1-4 Concerning giving

                     k) 6:5-15 Concerning Prayer (Lk 11.2—4)

                     l) 6:16-18 Concerning Fasting

                     m) 6:19-21 Concerning Treasures (Lk 12.33—34)

                     n) 6:22-23The Sound Eye (Lk 11.34—36)

                     o) 6:24-24 Serving Two Masters

              The Disciples CONFIDENCE

                     p) 6:25-34 Do Not Worry (Lk 12.22—31)

              The Disciples JUDGEMENT

                     q) 7:1-5 Judging Others (Lk 6.37—42)

                     r) 7:6   Profaning the Holy

                     s) 7:7-11 Ask, Search, Knock (Lk 11.9—13)

                     t) 7:12  The Golden Rule (Lk 6.31)

                     u) 7:13-14 The Narrow Gate (Lk 13.24)

                     v) 7:15-20 A Tree and Its Fruit (Mt 12.33; Lk 6.43—45)

              The Disciples TEST

                     w) 7:21-23 Concerning Self-Deception (Lk 6.46; 13.26—27)

                     x) 7:24-27 Hearers and Doers (Lk 6.47—49)

                     y) 7:28-29 Conclusion


 III.      8:l - 9:34                 Jesus the doer of mighty works.

a)      8:1-4       The man with leprosy healed

b)      8:5-13     The centurion of faith

c)      8: 14-15  Peter’s Mother-in law healed

d)     8:16-17   Many healed

e)      8:18-22   Would be followers of Jesus

f)       8:23-27   Jesus Stills the Storm

g)      8:28-34   Jesus Heals the Gadarene Demoniacs



9:35 -10:42                 Jesus and his mission preachers.

 IV.      11.l -12:50              The claims of Jesus the Messiah.

    V.      13:l - 52                          Seven parables of the Kingdom of heaven.

 VI.      13:53 –17:27          The ministry in Galilee

VII.      l8:1 - 35                          Life in the Messianic community.

VIII.      19:l – 23:30            The Messiah goes to Jerusalem.

 IX.      24:l – 25:46                    The fall of Jerusalem , the parousia of the Son of Man and three parables of judgment.                      

    X.      26:l - 27:66             The passion, resurrection and post-resurrection narratives.