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The arrest and trial of Jesus - John 18

Sunday, 9th March, 2008

 read ch 18

 For a minute I want us to view the last few weeks from above. Here is a map of Jerusalem> Jesus met with his disciples in the upper Room and then walks out through the city to the garden of Gethsemane which is on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. Because it was festival time, Jerusalem was an open city so they were free to come and go. Bethany was over the hill so it was their probable way back to where they were staying with Lazarus, Mary and Martha.

The Kidron Valley runs down the Eastern side of Jerusalem, to the South is the Valley of Hinnon, where the rubbish pits were and was called Gehenna. Which way Jesus went we don’t know.

What we do know is that whereas the other gospels refer to this journey in two verses, John has recorded the whole conversation and prayer of Jesus.


This brings me to my first point, John chooses what he records for a reason. This is not the full story, even if John is an actual witness.

 He makes no mention of 

ü     The bread and wine and its significance

ü     Praying in the garden

ü     Content of trial before Caiaphas

ü     The formal post-dawn trial

ü     Suicide of Judas

ü     The hearing before Herod

ü     The soldiers mocking Jesus


And yet , unlike the other gospels tells of a hearing with Annas, the ex-High Priest.



But this is not a biography, it is a gospel and John chooses what he records for a purpose, which he spells out in ch 20:31

But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.


This is a book with a purpose. And therefore John has selected some key parts to tell us about Jesus and encouraging us to believe in him.

 So John’s story is in two parts. First the arrest and trial by the Jews,   second the trial before Pilate.

So what do we observe?

 First, Jesus leads the way. Jesus is making choices.  He is primarily in Gethsemane to meet Judas. The desperate prayer time is important but not as important to John that we understand that Jesus, the way is walking into a trap, consciously and freely. It is Jesus that takes the initiative. He identifies himself and seeks release for the disciples. Even his captors are floored by his readiness to surrender. He has a destiny to die on a cross. He will be glorified as he said, by being lifted up on a cross.

 Peter, is the exemplar disciple and we see a lot of him at this point. He still has not understood what Jesus has been saying all evening. They brought two swords so lets use them!  But Jesus is not going to win our salvation through a sword fight. He is going to the cross. The way is not a way of power and control. The gospel was never spread by domination or armies. The crusades and all battles on the basis of winning souls are false. We believe we can defend ourselves but never use force to persuade others to follow Jesus.

 We then get some useful fill in information.

Annas was father-in-law to Caiaphas who was priest that year and Annas had been High Priest. Even Caiaphas, although spiritually blind had been prophetic about Jesus. To John it important to remind us that Jesus is here to die for us.

 John and Peter follow the militia. John has  a free entry permit as he was known to the High Priest.

Peter is left outside until John can fetch him in. Peter is in a crowd alone, fearful and the girl at the door simply makes conversation. Peter fails Jesus as do all the disciples. As will you. But Peter we will find discovers forgiveness and peace. You will let Jesus down but for those who choose to seek forgiveness in repentance and faith there is healing and restoration.


 Now we move on to Annas. And we must listen to Jesus. What is he saying at this hearing? His challenge is that he did nothing in secret. His religion is not a power religion where secrecy is used to control others. There are no secret rituals, no hidden magical things. Jesus taught openly, in places where he could be challenged.  The last chapters where he taught his disciples alone are unusual. He normally taught in the open. Unlike Annas who had secret meetings with other leaders and with Judas to decide how to handle Jesus.  If you want a deal, Annas, forget it. There are plenty of witnesses who know everything I have said. Bring them to any trial and you will not convict me. That is why the meeting with Annas is here. Before Caiaphas we get all the manipulating to get a charge that will stick. Here it is plain and simple. The world knows what I have said, but you will not find one person whose evidence will stand up in court. That is a challenge to us. What are we known for? Does our community know what we are? Or does it see us as some strange group that turns up on a Sunday morning and sings strange songs and goes away again?  Are we known for being anti-homosexual and anti-abortion or for salvation by faith and eternal life?  If you were on trial for being a Christian is there enough evidence to convict you? Followers of Jesus have to speak openly the world.


 And we move on. This time to another private exchange. Now clearly neither interview was actually in private but they were out of the public sight. This time Pilate meets Jesus without the accusers as they would not want to defile themselves for the Passover, which was in full swing. That is ironic. Jesus is the Passover lamb. John has declared him the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. They are happy to spill his blood or at least get the Romans to do it but they want the rituals to go ahead without being challenged by the real event. That will happen over Easter, eggs and bunnies , cards and celebrations are OK but few will stop and think about a Saviour who died for them and rose again for them that they might know eternal life. In fact I expect some will protest about the BBC showing the Passion Story at Easter. It will offend! They did it to Jesus, do not be surprised they do to today.


With Pilate the issue is truth, rather than kingship. You see Pilate asks is Jesus a king but Jesus goes back one step and says the issue is about truth. Pilate is out of his depth. His ‘What is truth?’ is set in the confusion of politics where truth is defined by how to stay in favour with Caesar. In the Passion of Jesus Christ Pilate says to his wife “How do I know what the truth is?" In the last century, science was seen as the way to find the truth. Now we want to reach out to a more feelings oriented search for truth.


 This is one of those occasions that the question is answered before it is asked. Listen to Jesus.  You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."


Jesus said I am the way the Truth and the life, only hours ago to his disciples. Now he says virtually the same to Pilate. Truth is revelation. I am the revelation of God. That is why I was born, that is why I came in to the world. I am the truth, Pilate, now make your choice, are you on my side or not. This is the same challenge that Joshua had at Jericho. God is the truth and on nobodies side. You have to choose to accept him as boss or you give up on truth and live a lie.




What is Truth?


I am the truth


The truth is what you want it to be.


Those are the stark choices. For Jesus it leads directly to his death and resurrection. For Pilate the misery of endless best guesses and hope I got it right.


I don’t think Pilate made a choice and that is why he is victim of the crowd.

 He steps out of the quiet of his Judgement Hall into the morning to face a crowd, whipped up to shout him down. He tries to use the release a prisoner on the feast offer to get round the problem but he is no longer in control the High Priest is manipulating him through the crowd.  So Pilate’s indecision was a vote against Jesus. There is no sitting on the fence.

From now on justice is no longer the issue, truth is irrelevant, from now on Jesus is to suffer as a criminal for your sin and mine.


Then Pilate  took Jesus and had him flogged.

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