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Adam and Eve

Sunday, 2nd November, 2008

 This is all about beginnings, so let us remind ourselves what Granville spoke about last week. The point that is often missed is that Genesis is about God not process. It is who created not how it was created. It is

In the beginning God… created… man

The first chapter describes creation as a seven day event. It is complete and on the seventh day God rests.

When we start the second chapter we begin again. Genesis is an interleaved drama, just as revelation is. The first chapter gives a broad sweep of creation. The second is about the creation of man. After the Fall in chapter 3 we begin again with the family of man. And that leads on to the family of promise Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and ultimately to the Children of Israel. But we do not lose the fat that this book is about God, first and foremost and people’s relationship with him.

 Granville also underlined two important facts about man. He was created for relationship and he was created for a purpose filled productive life.

 We  going to pick up the story of creation again, starting at ch2 verse 18 and read through to the end of chapter 3.

READ 2:18-3:24


This is one of the saddest episodes in human history, reflected in every sin that followed.

But we start with getting our heads round God’s intention in creation.

 God did not intend woman to be in some way less than man. She was clearly intended to be his equal, his partner, his fellow. Secondly, marriage is at the foundation of the creation of man. It is not a useful add on for society, it is fundamental to a society.

Thirdly there was no shame. We need to keep these three things in mind, so that we do not write into scripture what is not there.

It would be great if Adam had written a book about life before the fall. We have no idea how long verse 25 went on for or what it was like. God does not tell us. Probably because if he did we would try to recreate the illusion of Eden without him. But hten we do whether it is in nudist colonies or paradise islands, we want Eden without God. You can’t have it. We are cursed by God for the sin that we are all tainted with. But there is a way to the tree of life…

 Enter Satan.  I do not have time to explore this whole passage thoroughly, so I am picking up three major phrases and leaving the rest for another day or studying commentaries or whatever.

Eve was alone. Never forget that alone can be in a crowd but alone is vulnerable. Not just to physical harm but to temptation. That is why God puts you in a church so that you are not alone. That is why he sent his Holy Spirit so you are not alone. Pray “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”


The first key phrase I want to bring to your attention is “Has God really said…”  A post modernist society is challenging that all the time whether it is about homosexuality, abortion, assisted suicide,… we are constantly hearing in one way or another Has God really said that the soul that sins dies? Has God really said that good is not good enough. Has God really said Jesus is the only way, what about sincere Muslims? Has God really said that thinking about sex outside of marriage is wrong. Has God really said that we must be honest, always? Has God really said that those who do not believe in Jesus go to Hell? Has God really said… Has God really said… This moment in time encapsulates the whole of human history where we see people rewriting what God has said to suit their own agendas, there own desires. And no doubt we are doing it ourselves. If only we could see it. But we can! We have God’s word and dare we read it, it will challenge our prejudices, our self-determined rules and standards.

Notice a number of things about this dialogue. First that Satan thinks he can enhance God‘s creation! Follow me and I will give you a real thrill, a broader experience!

Second that Eve has not learned the script correctly. She dropped any tree and has added to what God has said. Eden was full of trees to eat from but now there is only one that matters! God never said they should not touch it! If you want an excuse for this, you point out she was not there when God said it!

Finally, Eve sees wrongly. She sees this as food, as beautiful and is driven by desire not right thinking.  And even the script she knows has lost its credibility and she eats. And Adam eats.

Where Adam had been and why he also swallowed the reasoning is not explained but he wilfully chose the same path as his wife. He chose to sin.   Now they see the consequences of their actions. They were ashamed. Moses, the apparent author has a pun on the word for wisdom, crafty and naked. A bit like shrewd and nude.  They were nude and Satan was shrewd. Now they were shrewd an knew they were nude. They were without shame, now they had shame. Sin has immediate consequences, shame being one of them.


Then the most significant consequence is revealed. God is seen walking in the garden, to have a mid-afternoon cuppa with his beloved creation.  But he is crying out in great anguish “Where are you?” Like the parent who has lost a child in the supermarket God has lost his fellowship with man, and he is devastated. He still cries out over you and me “Where are you?” You have been offline too long, preoccupied with your busy life and God wants to bless you but he can’t get through and he is calling out to you this morning “Where are you?” I wanted to share eternity with you but you have broken the relationship, severed yourself from the source of life and God is calling “Where are you?” God did not just walk out on humanity, he , even here, seeks out his lost ones. He wants to have friendship with you. He longs for you to be in his presence. And yet you resist him. You think that your shame has made it impossible for God to love you. Wrong. In this passage there is good news in the middle of the most disastrous news. God will find a way. Satan will be defeated, Eternal life comes at great cost to God but he makes it possible for you to receive it freely.


When God questions them, blame enters the world. The united front of husband and wife disintegrates, God is blamed as creator, Satan is the excuse.


 What follows is the curse of sin on humanity. Be very clear that what life is like now is not what God intended. It is a far cry from the glory of eternal life in a full loving relationship with the creator. They suffered the natural consequences of sin. Pain, struggle, hopelessness and ultimately death. They are barred from the way to the tree of life.  This tree appears at the other end of the Bible, in heaven.  A way has been found. Jesus is the way to the tree of life. And this is the gleam of light in this dark passage. Satan is doomed. In verse 15 we read of an offspring of Adam who will crush Satan’s head and you will strike his heel.” This is good news that Jesus will come and bring salvation, at great cost to himself but he will defeat Satan. Satan is doomed to Hell along with sin and death and shame and separation from God.

Three phrases to summarise.

 Has God really said? The challenge to know what God has said and trust it.

Where are you? The call from the God of love to a lost humanity

The way to the tree of life. Jesus takes the curse on himself so that you can enter into the blessing that God always intended for us, eternal life, shame and guilt free, friendship with him, an eternity of rest without pain.  

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