Sermon (14K)
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updated 1st. Novemeber, 2020Please note that these are unedited copies of my notes so they may include references to PowerPoint slides and other documents which are not available.
The MP3 audio links are to the SRCF website.

IIGuard the Gospel1:3-18
a.Keep the faith1:3-7
b.Do not be ashamed of the Gospel 1:8-1222nd April,2012
c.Guard the Gospel 1:13-18
IIIBe Faithful2:1-26
Start the New year with Jesus2:11st January, 2012
a.Be strong; endure hardship 2:1-76th May,2012
b.Remember Jesus Christ2:8-13
c.A workman approved by God 2:14-26
IV Continue in what you have learned3:1-17
Opposion within3:1-9Sunday, 1st.November, 2020
V Paul's charge to Timothy to Proclaim 4:1-810th June,2012
VI.Personal Remarks4:9-18
VIIFinal Greetings 4:19-21

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